Feasibility study Burundi

Feasibility study Burundi

The Flying Food consortium performed a feasibility study in Burundi in which willingness of consumers was checked to eat crickets and interest of potential farmers, producers and processors to enter this new value chain. Main conclusion is that setting up Flying Food in Burundi will not be easy, but is feasible:

  • More than 50% of the population in Burundi is chronically food insecure and daily rations have low nutritional value (mainly carbohydrates). A clear need exists for animal protein and micro-nutrient containing food sources also affordable for people with lowest incomes;
  • All 88 respondents had eaten insects before, mainly termites and grasshoppers. Crickets were largely unknown to them. Most consumers rated the fried crickets as tasty and nutritious;
  • There is certainly a drive and willingness of all required local actors;
  • A market potential for cricket products with acceptable prices is available;
  • Most equipment required for cricket production is available or can be imported at reasonable costs;

The business environment in Burundi can be considered challenging, but those entrepreneurs talked to, know how to run a Burundi medium sized business in difficult circumstances, look for new opportunities and are willing to invest some of their own resources in innovation and take risks.
