Market study in Rwanda

Market study in Rwanda

Also the Rwanda Agriculture Board is interested to introduce crickets for food in Rwanda. The Flying Food consortium (TNO and ICCO) in collaboration with a local company Nutrifarm – Rwanda Cricket Farming ltd and Rwanda Agriculture Board will perform a market study in the coming months. This will comprise a technical and economic feasibility study. We will investigate the willingness of consumers and food processors to buy and eat crickets. Therefore data will be collected in all five districts among 350 consumers  and at least 50 potential producers, companies and retailers. We will also work on a design to adapt the cricket rearing facility to climate conditions in Rwanda. Crickets prefer a constant temperature of 28-32 °C and especially the nights have lower temperatures. Idea is to develop a climate smart rearing facility that buffers heat during day time and releases it at night time. Results of this market study are expected in April 2020.
